FERC Order 2222: What State Regulators Need to Consider

Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 1 pm- 2pm PT
Cost: Free

Confirmed speakers:

Lorenzo Kristov, Electric System Policy, Structure, Market Design

Sally Talberg, Commissioner, Michigan Public Service Commission

Anne Hoskins, Chief Policy Officer, SunRun & Former Commissioner, Maryland Public Service Commission

Moderator: Mark Higgins, COO, Strategen

FERC Order 2222 is poised to set the stage for a wave of new DER coming onto the grid as wholesale market participation opens the door to new value streams for distribution system assets. To comply with the order, the RTOs/ISOs will need to work with distribution utilities, DER providers and state regulators to develop rules and procedures to coordinate wholesale market activities of DER aggregations with safe and reliable distribution system operation.

State regulators are expected to play a key role in shaping the coordination rules regulated utilities will adopt for this purpose. This webinar will explore some of the main issues RTOs/ISOs will need to address that require collaboration with the distribution utilities and their regulatory authorities. We will also discuss some of the approaches regulators are considering and apply systems thinking through the discipline of grid architecture to ensure that utility grid modernization activities related to the order support the transition to a more distributed energy future, are cost-effective, and result in the greatest value from DER for all customers. 

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